

life changing, inspiring

When I first stepped into the doors of HEAT, I never expected to be met with the most welcoming and amazing community I’ve found to date. It’s apparent that Ravix and his lovely partners have spent lots of time and effort delicately cultivating a unique experience for rope class. Having attended other rope events and classes, I can confidently say that nothing comes close to this. It is a room full of light, love, and laughter no matter what day you go and who is there. Every person is met with acceptance, encouragement, and receives the perfect gentle feedback that is needed to facilitate growth and confidence no matter your skill level. This class, the people running it, and attending it, have forever made an impact on my life and my journey in rope and I’m so thankful to have stumbled across them <3


Improved my life

I came in with the goal of learning a bit more about rope bondage with my girlfriend. That was 3 years ago.

In addition to the comprehensive risk evaluation, safety information, self tying, rigging, and bottoming information, I have learned to modify everything I do for my own preferences and limitations. I’ve learned to improve my communication and negotiation skills.

The teachers are incredible people. The other students in the room will step in and help you out at every turn. I have learned so much about what it means to be accepted. It’s not about just where you are currently at, but being supported with where you want to go.

The class has helped me in my life overall to be a happier person and not just tie up that cute redhead. It’s been a dream. Highly recommend.


Wonderful Show!

I had floated an idea about having a Prom themed party opening scene, where the people were being Prom kids leaving the dance to do some naughty stuff, where the bottom was tied up and then her prom dress was cut off of her. While Ravix and Summer are not neccessarily knife people, they seemed to enjoy the idea. Well, after seeing how they executed it; YOWZA. They were the opening scene for the party, and were so incredibly hot, it’s ridiculous. The sheer joy that they both exhibited was amazing! The way that they timed the scene so it was not too long or too short? Perfection! Best of all though, every time they did something even cooler than expected, it was pure joy, not just for me, but for the rest of the audience. Absolutely love them and will totally ask for more scenes when it’s appropriate.



This class has been the most organized, well put together shibari class I’ve found. Not to mention the instructors are the nicest people you’ll meet. I was immediately welcomed in. They also have endless knowlegdge!! I really appreciate that my safety was put first in learning and in practice! I am now confident in going forward in my shibari journey with their help <3


Best rope classes I've ever been to... No really!

I love the way classes are structured like a martial arts dojo – makes it easy for students to come “once in a while” or “regularly” and still end up right where they need to be.

Learning form and function on Tuesdays (along with rotating game nights), then putting it into practice with practicing suspensions in the Thursday course (with the ability to “test out” into the next position (like taking the test for belting up in martial arts). I love watching new riggers and bottoms develop skills simultaneously and put them into practice with costumes, music, and theatrics, as desired.

You get out of it as much as you “put in” (practice). Nobody is born knowing these things, but I think it’s wonderful that we can all come together and learn these really cool skills!


Learn what YOU want to learn

Rope bondage is incredibly varied. Some people enjoy creating beautiful poses and pictures, some enjoy expressing their masochism/sadism. The teacher has been doing this for a decade now, and not only knows how to use rope, but how to pass those skills on. With the foundation taught in the beginner classes, you can get the building blocks. With the feedback and ideas shared in the more advanced classes, you can learn how they fit together to create your play. You can grow.


Amazing class!

Me and my Daddy learned so much about rope and safety at our very first class! We were so impressed by all the knowledge that was presented and the friendly and welcoming vibes that we decided to make this our main ropes resource for education. The teachers are patient and take time to show us steps. Thank you guys for making us feel welcomed and showing us the ropes!


Simply and comfortable introduction into rope bondage

If you’re nervous or unsure if rope bondage is something you’re into, this is the class to try. They make everything so easy and modified to your needs/wants. A very comprehensive understanding of what you’re getting into, and the breakdown of the class structure really allows you to test the waters at your own pace and comfort level. I had absolutely no idea what I was getting into, but they offer a free basics safety class to try it out, pressure free and judgment free.

Rebecca M.

Fantastic fun every time!

“From The Ground Up” to “The Sky’s the Limit” the class structure and instruction has been excellent for any level of rope experience.

I’ve been taking classes for going on two years and have had nothing but fantastic fun every time! Ravix, along with Summer and Winter, successfully endeavor to make everyone feel welcome and included.

Position performance test outs give new and seasoned riggers/rope bottoms opportunities to practice their rope skills alongside their performance chops in a friendly and supportive environment. Ravix takes time to include one-on-one instruction during classes as needed and is quick to recognize and assist when one is struggling.

The structure or the classes and position progression is designed to build one after another and allows riggers to progress at their own pace. And private lessons are EXCEPTIONAL and give additional space to explore and workshop entire new ties. I needed a different style of TK to accommodate my rope bottom and after trying several variations in class, we decided we needed something entirely new. When given the parameters of the physical concerns involved, he workshopped a new harness and came to our place for a private lesson to teach and test out the new harness – which works wonderfully for my rope bottom, might I add!

The classes are highly inclusive and no one, rigger or rope bottom will be turned away due to physical limitation concerns. And they bring together everyone to form a close knit rope community where everyone is made to feel seen, heard, and welcome

If you are considering getting lessons in shibari, I can’t recommend Rav’s Pro Method more highly!


RPM classes are the best that I have encountered and I cannot say enough great things about them.

They are first and foremost safety minded and while they recognize the risks involved, then endeavor to educate from the beginning to help manage those risks. The fact that a safety class is required to even begin attending and it doesn’t allow for just anyone to walk in off the street helps me feel confident that they care about the safety of their students.

They maintain a fun and friendly atmosphere while continuing in the spirit of learning, doing so as risk aware as possible, and helping to make rope adaptable to different body types and rope styles with the understanding that every single persons body type and limitations are unique.

They partner with riggers to create modifications as needed to make the rope work best in each circumstance and also with bottoms to help with learning to more clearly communicate when something isn’t working for them so those modifications and adaptations can be made. All the while enjoying banter, laughter, and a great social atmosphere.

Anytime anyone expresses an interest in beginning or continuing their rope journey, I point them to RPM classes 100% hands down EVERY time. 10/10 would highly recommend. Start here and stay here, there are so many places, classes, and experiences to grow through with RPM!!!

- LittleBitofGrace

His team has a wealth of knowledge and communicate extremely well with awesome teaching ability.

I’ve been taking RPM classes for over a year now..

His team has a wealth of knowledge and communicate extremely well with awesome teaching ability. Small classroom environments with tons of attention and very much learn at your own pace..

Before attending a class there is a requirement to pass a rope safety and consent class.

Once rope safety is passed you’re allowed to go to a weekly class covering various basics and ground ties.

Once you pass certain criteria you’re allowed to move to the suspension class.

It is entirely designed to learn at your own pace with LOTS of individual attention.

Safety and consent are heavily pronounced and focused on in each class.

The classes are very fun and interactive. You’re guaranteed to come away from each class smiling and having had a lot of laughs.

Each tie you’re required to test out of and then given constructive feedback after the tie to help you improve.

Anytime anyone approaches me about wanting to learn rope I always point them in the direction of RPM or to the website.

- deviantonebones

Excellent class

Excellent class I learns my western rope style fundamentals here. I would recommend to every one!


I can not speak highly enough about the experience

I have been attending classes with RPM regularly for over a year and I can not speak highly enough about the experience. Not only do I have fun in class I have had enormous growth personally as a bottom. Yes every top/rigger will speak about learning how to tie, and do it safely. But as a bottom/bunny I have learned so much on communicating, on how and when to push myself physically and mentally in rope, as well as how to play safely with new and established partners. The classes are well rounded for both side of the slash it is not just for riggers to learn a pattern or a tie, the class helps partners learn to fully enjoy all aspects of rope and the fun/connection that can be had.

Again I can not emphasize enough how much the RPM classes have benefited me personally or how much fun I have when I attend. Even when the class has a large group in attendance it still feels very personalized and one on one attention is given to the students. I have attended other classes where you were lucky to get a quick chat with the instructor as they walked by but no real “help”. This has never been my experience at a RPM class. 10/10 ⭐️

- LitleMissFreyja

Nothing but complete support, encouragement from the moment I entered class.

Shibari/ Kinbaku had been something I had seen in photos, read about in books and had friends enjoy personally.

I wanted to experience this beauty. How do I find a teacher? Was I too old? (I was 49 turning 50) Was I skinny enough, was I too fat/ large to do rope? Was I too short? Was I strong enough? Was being a female rigger supported? These were all things that were running through my head.

After extensive searches I found Ravix RPM. Nothing but complete support, encouragement from the moment I entered class. Ravix immediately let me know that that none of these things should be nor would he allow them to be hindrances in my journey to discover and learn rope.

Ravix’s demeanor, well-spoken and clear teaching immediately put me at ease. He and Clover made me feel so welcome at the class. I enjoy the format that the RPM classes are laid out. I can work at the pace that I am comfortable with. Tips, tricks and guidance is always being shared. Exchanging ideas, asking questions and for help is encouraged…. There is no wrong question. A sign of good teaching is when a teacher learns even from their students.

I have enjoyed the classes as a bottom, learning how to feel in rope, how to communicate with my top, ask for adjustments. Signs to look for and share with my top to help the rope be as comfortable as possibly and allow me longer time in rope. I have learned how to take care of my self physically but also mentally. Through their patience and support I have conquered great fears…I had a fear of inversions. I now love them and do them frequently.

As a top I have learned safety, connection, communication and care for my bottoms. How to support and yet guide them to new levels and positions in rope. How to offer aftercare. And yes, I have learned how to deal with disappointment when things did not go as planned or desired.

I’ve learned that rope suspension is considered Edge Play, that there are dangers and great risk involved. The Base Basics class was so informative. It helped me understand what was involved before I ever truly experienced rope. I learned so much from the class. I am a very cautious person and want to know lots about something before I jump in feet first. This class was not only informative on safety, but equipment, connection, negotiations, risk, health, how to be a good bottom and a good top. I now attend the Base Basics class with any new potential bottoms that I work with. There is always something new that I learn.

My journey started a year and a half ago. I love it as much today as I did the day I started. The beauty as Ravix says… The Sky is the limit.

- Mishka

A methodical, progressive rope method, with strong safety and performance emphasis. A world-class rope education, right here in Houston!

Shibari rope bondage study is a skill-based discipline, and like any other skill-based discipline, such as music, athletics, or a foreign language, it requires years of study, guided by a skilled practitioner in a well- thought-out and disciplined study environment.

Ravix has been providing this study environment in Houston for many years, and it consists of three principle parts:

Base Basics (a required free intro class covering safety, equipment, mental aspects and many other essential elements that are crucial to a safe beginning in rope study) Pattern and ground practice (a weekly class where the fundamentals of patterns are addressed and very basic partial suspensions and explored – all requirements for the Ravix PRO method classes)

Ravix PRO(gressive) Method – (The core teaching consists of progressively more complex suspensions, with performance and grading, and detailed feedback on key elements; safety, pattern proficiency, flow, and others.)

Having been a student in Ravix’s classes since 2018, I can attest that this method builds a “vocabulary” of “things to do” in rope and is grounded in safety emphasis, workability, and variety.

In addition, there is a constant emphasis on safety. Rope bondage, particularly in suspension, but even on the ground, can be dangerous. Both partners in rope must be aware of the risks involved and the techniques used to minimize these risks.

While the class methodology has strong Japanese shibari elements, it is not dogmatic and borrows the best of Western elements, particularly in the early patterns.

If you are in the Houston area, and have the desire, and you understand what it takes to learn rope bondage, and you can regularly attend weekly classes, you would do yourself a service to engage in Ravix’s PRO method!

- Felix

Fun and comfortable

I had admired rope work for years and finally dug into it and started reading and learning how to tie. I wanted to move into suspension but didn’t know where to look or who to speak to. Ravix came highly recommended to me from someone I ran into. I contacted him and he guided me to where I could sign up for his class. I was nervous at first but they made it very fun and comfortable. The first class was structured around safety and precautions and what to do and what not to do and I really appreciated that. When I went to progress to the next level I was informed that I would have to learn how to tie certain knots blind folded. Of course the thought in my head was “are you crazy” but he taught me the knots and I went home and practiced and the first time I did it without looking I was so excited my first reaction was to call anyone I knew and tell them. Each class is always fun and interesting and you work at your own pace. You get one on one help the entire way and the classroom is limited amount of people which I like because it enables you to ask questions and actually learn and have a few jokes and laughs while doing it. Anyone that ask me about ropes I always recommend signing up for his class. I’ve seen classes taught by a couple of other people and the specific ones I had seen simply teach you the knots and not the safety and not the little small tricks to help you along. They were proficient riggers but I didn’t appreciate seeing them teach new people without the safety in mind.

- Henry

go at your own pace

Ravix’ RPM classes are go at your own pace classes so if you happen to miss a week here or there you can pick up right where you left off. He is a very patient teacher as it usually takes me a little longer to get some of the ties and patterns but he helps every step of the way. If something doesn’t work with the usual tie/pattern you can ask Ravix for help to workout what might be a better option so that the tie works. His safety first approach makes me and my rope bottom feel very safe in learning and performing the ties.

- Joe

Best Decision

Being new to Shibari and Rope Play, it was the best decision for my partner and I to take up Ravix’s RPM Classes. Not only was his class fun and exciting, but truly focused on safety and education to expand the knowledge and curiosity helping to continue a thirst for learning and growing in this wonderful art style. Ravix’s style of teaching makes it feel easy to learn and grow a new skillset. His approach of education and safety first really made me feel confident to explore what is possible in Shibari and rope play for myself and my partner. I truly enjoy going to Ravix’s RPM Classes because I always learn something new. He also makes everyone feel the potential in themselves to really be a competent rope enthusiast. It has definitely made building communication and trust with my partner a stronger bond.



5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 18 reviews)
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