Anti-Harassment Policy


RPM is dedicated to fostering a safe, inclusive, and respectful environment. We value the dignity of every individual and believe in creating a space where everyone feels secure and respected.


This policy is applicable to all members, students, guests, volunteers, and participants in our events, activities, and online platforms.

Definition of Harassment

Harassment includes unwelcome conduct, comments, or behavior based on individual identity, appearance, or lifestyle choices. It can manifest as verbal, physical, or digital interactions that create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment. Participation/attendance/welcomeness is a privilege sustained through respect and appropriate conduct.

Community Involvement and Boundaries

We deeply care about the well-being and safety of all people in our spaces. However, it is important to recognize that our leaders/teachers/staff and organizers have their own commitments and limitations. While we are invested in the welfare of people in our spaces, our capacity to become involved in personal disputes is limited.

Support and Resources

We encourage members who experience harassment to seek support. While our leaders may not be able to intervene directly in personal matters, we are committed to providing resources and guidance. This includes referral to professional counselors and/or mediators who are equipped to handle such situations with the necessary expertise and neutrality.

Reporting Harassment

Anyone who encounters harassment is urged to report it asap. Reports can be made to any RPM staff member who will maintain confidentiality and offer support by connecting students/members to appropriate resources. 

Just, real talk for a sec: Everyone's well-being in our space(s) is important to me. If something’s wrong or someone’s giving you trouble, come tell me. I promise to take it seriously and handle it with consideration. I am proud and blessed to be surrounded by so many good people who understand that it's about looking out for one another and giving space for growth. Honestly, if you communicate to just about anyone in the space/class/event that you are experiencing distress of any kind, you'll likely find you are surrounded by supportive and compassionate individuals willing to help. 
- Ravix DeWolf

Empowerment through Education

RPM emphasizes the importance of education and personal responsibility in preventing harassment. We encourage all members to educate themselves about respectful communication and boundaries. 

External Mediation and Counseling

For situations requiring mediation, we will provide contact information for professional mediators or counselors. These professionals are knowledgeable about our community's dynamics and can offer impartial and informed assistance.


Our community's strength lies in the diversity and respectful interactions of our members. We are committed to maintaining a safe and welcoming environment and invite everyone to join us in upholding these values.